Real Estate Investing 2009 and Beyond - FREE Teleseminar
This is Mike Lautensack with Real Estate Wealth Today.com and I am sure you are aware that the world's financial markets are in freefall, mortgage markets are frozen and real estate prices are down 20% to 50% across the country. Not a pretty picture right!
Well there are real signs the real estate market is at bottom and in many locations the prices are actually up over the last 12 months. Mortgage rates and home affordability are both very positive. So is the real estate investing opportunity of a lifetime?
It might be but you must access to money. The way to get that money is through Private Lending!
So as we go into 2009 I am going to do a teleseminar titled "Discover the 6 Key Steps You Must Do To Start a Private Lending Program in 2009!"
This FREE Teleseminar will be a step-by-step overview of the private lending process and tell you how to fund your real estate deals without banks or PERSONAL GUARANTEES!
Teleseminar Series: Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 8:00 PM Eastern
To sign up for this FREE teleseminar simple click here ===> http://www.realestatewealthtoday.com/2009-Welcome-Call.html
On this call you'll get insider secrets on:
- The 6 Key Steps To Develop Your Private Lending Program In 2009
- Why Private Lending Is The Only Real Option Available For Financing Real Estate Investments Now That Traditional Mortgages And Hard Money Loans Are Dead
- Learn How Easy Private Lending Can Be When You Know The Steps To Develop Your Own Private Lending Program
- How To Prepare For 2009 To Be Your Best Year Ever
- What To Do Next.....
- And Of Course, A Whole Lot More!
To sign up for this FREE teleseminar simple click here ===> http://www.realestatewealthtoday.com/2009-Welcome-Call.html
5:00pm Pacific Time
6:00pm Mountain Time
7:00pm Central Time
8:00pm Eastern Time
Seating is limited and you DON'T want to miss the educational, information packed call! We look forward to having you on the call!
To sign up for this FREE teleseminar simple click here ===> http://www.realestatewealthtoday.com/2009-Welcome-Call.html
Mike Lautensack
Real Estate Wealth Today
P. S. I only have 75 lines available for this call, so please get on 5 minutes early so you don't miss the call.
P. P. S. We also now offer a limited number of people one-on-one private coaching to grow and expand your real estate investing business with private lending - If interested please click here and fill out the form and I will call you to discuss your needs.
To sign up for this FREE teleseminar simple click here ===> http://www.realestatewealthtoday.com/2009-Welcome-Call.html