How to Use @Mentions on BiggerPockets
Hey Everyone! We wanted to start the New Year with style, so we've brought you a new feature that we think will better help you to connect and communicate with others here on the forums.
We've adopted what has become standard protocol on the large social networks -- @ mentions.
Users can now mention their colleagues and those people who have already posted in a thread that you're responding to with the @ symbol.
Simply type your forum post as you normally would, and when you want to mention someone, type @ followed by their name. Once you enter the first two characters of the person's name, it will appear below. Select the person by clicking on their name and you'll have created a mention. You'll know you did it correct when you see the name highlighted in blue.
When you post your message, the person you mention will appear highlighted with the @ symbol in front and they will receive a notification on the site and in their inbox of the mention.
Additionally, if you enter @? it will pull up all posters who previously posted on the thread to make things easier for you!
Jump on the forums and give it a go; you can test it out in our thread announcing the feature: BP Update 6.5.1: @Mentions Now Enabled on BiggerPockets
Comments (46)
I have a fairly simple (I think) question, as I am fairly new to posting here on BP. I posted something in the forums for a recommendation and a BP member told me to reach out to another BP member. I don't know how to reach out to that BP member directly, or am I supposed to just use the @their_name in the forum post that I created?
Mike K., almost 8 years ago
Same here. No Android support.
Mike Biewer, about 8 years ago
I love this function. Use it on my laptop/desktop all the time. Unfortunately, I can't use the @ function on my android. Not on the mobile site and not on the app. Is this a quirk of my phone? If it's simply not available, I'd request that it be added. Thanks!
James Carlson, over 8 years ago
I love this tool
Josh Caldwell, over 8 years ago
I can't get it to work, using Chrome on a PC, I am trying to mention someone in the thread, @? doesn't work either.
Tim S., over 8 years ago
This feature is great but I can't seem to get it to work on the app. Bummer.
Krystal Grubbs, almost 9 years ago
@Handel Carter & @Krystal Grubbs - Can you guys send a message to our support team at http://www.biggerpockets.com/contact with a little more information on what's happening? What app are you using - iOS or Android. Do note that you can only mention your colleagues or people who previously posted in a thread . . .
Joshua Dorkin, almost 9 years ago
Handel Carter, about 9 years ago
thanks for the post @?
Handel Carter, about 9 years ago
Yes, I tried both Chrome and Firefox just now to test the @ function, but it does not work with either browser. Hmmm. Too bad. I think it could be a great feature, and it obviously works for some people because I see @ mentions all the time. Maybe I'll try Internet Explorer. . .
Donna Welschmeyer, over 9 years ago
You can only mention colleagues or those people who previously posted in a thread. Perhaps that's the issue? The functionality is working fine at the moment.
Joshua Dorkin, over 9 years ago
Cool feature! A couple pieces of feedback:
I'm using Chrome, and it's got some bugs. Sometimes it doesn't work at all and when I reload the page it works. Othertimes it works but inserts the text "undefined" into the body of my post immediately after the mention.
When I type "@" and then start typing the name of the person, the menu below pops up allowing me to select the person for the mention, but I have to use my mouse to actually click the name. It would be nice if it worked like Facebook where you can use the Arrow Keys and Enter Key to select the person so you can keep your hands on the keyboard and not have to use the mouse for that.
Jeremy Jones, almost 10 years ago
Same here with Chrome. The @ function works sporadically at best!
Jeff Baillis, almost 10 years ago
You can only mention your colleagues or those people who previously posted in a forum thread. On the blog, you can mention the author.
Joshua Dorkin, about 10 years ago
help I typed @names, no names pop up from the bottom?
Debbie Lee, about 10 years ago
thanks Joshua Dorkin. just bumping this because i have been wondering how to @mention someone. didn't even know what to call it.
Jesse Lawrence, almost 11 years ago
No problem, Jesse!
Joshua Dorkin, almost 11 years ago
I know that I have tried mentioning someone who has posted in a thread when I was using an Android phone. I did try the @? functionality as well.
Karen A., about 11 years ago
It may be because you're on mobile. See if it works on your desktop for me...
Joshua Dorkin, about 11 years ago
Thanks and will do. Is there a BP mobile app for Android?
Karen A., about 11 years ago
@Joshua Dorkin I am glad that I joined this community.
Karen A., about 11 years ago
We have an iOS app at <a href="http://www.biggerpockets.com/app">http://www.biggerpockets.com/app</a>.
Joshua Dorkin, about 11 years ago
@Joshua Dorkin I love the community that you have built here and I look forward to becoming more involved. I think that the mention feature is great. I am hoping to figure out what I need to do differently in order to get it work for me. Do you have any suggestions as to why I am not seeing the mention function work in my posts? I tried mentioning someone that had already posted in the same thread but the mention function didn't seem to work.Thanks in advance for your assistance. Joshua, thanks for building such an awesome community!
Karen A., about 11 years ago
Hey Karen - How are you accessing the site What brower/version and operating system are you using? Have you tried our @? functionality (allows you to see everyone who posted in the thread already)?
Joshua Dorkin, about 11 years ago
I tried to tag someone via mobile and it didn't work. Then I tried two different browsers (Firefox & Chrome) on a desktop and still no results. Am I missing something here?
NA Azul, about 11 years ago
On mobile, you'd need to use our iOS app. Otherwise, you can only mention colleagues or people who previously posted in a thread. I hope that helps.
Joshua Dorkin, about 11 years ago
That's awesome Joshua Dorkin!
Account Closed, over 11 years ago
Jay Hill - It is disabled on the iPad and iPhone through the website itself, but works using the BP Mobile App.
Joshua Dorkin, over 11 years ago
@Joshua Dorkin Does it work on IPad? I just tried it here and didn't get your name below.
Jay H., over 11 years ago
I've had a few queries about the @Mentions system over the past few days, so I thought we'd revive this for all to see.
Joshua Dorkin, about 12 years ago
There's a lot happening here, Shane Woods. Features like our @Mentions are great for keeping people in the mix.
Joshua Dorkin, about 13 years ago
Why did I Just Now see this? Fun fun
Shane Woods, about 13 years ago
No problem, Tracey.
Joshua Dorkin, about 13 years ago
Thanks Josh, way to go!!!
Tracey Williams, about 13 years ago
@Michael - You can shut all @ emails in the email settings. At present, there is no way to block an individual. The only people who can @mention you are those people you are colleagues with and those people who have posted in the same thread as you. @Ned - This is currently only implemented in the forums, but we'll soon be bringing it to the comment system around the rest of the site.
Joshua Dorkin, about 13 years ago
I just went back an edited a forum comment to add it. I noticed in your comment above where you used @Dave, Jerry, and Charles it doesn't show as described. Does it not work for post comments?
Ned Carey, about 13 years ago
@Josh Thank you making feel a wee bit old. I had no clue what people were trying to accomplish when writing the @ symbol other than speaking directly to them. Will there be a way to block the @ emails from users or do they only come from people youve authorized to follow you?
Michael Quarles, about 13 years ago
@Demond - No problem. Please consider uploading a personal pic so we can better get to know you. @Jon - Me too. @Bill - Thanks, and I appreciate the tweet!
Joshua Dorkin, about 13 years ago
Very cool!! BP just gets better & better :)
Bill Walston, about 13 years ago
I've never used them before now, but like them. Thanks Josh!
Jon Klaus, about 13 years ago
That sounds really great.thanks for making it easier
Demond Bradford, about 13 years ago
@Dave - Thanks. Glad to hear it. @Jerry - It will work for people who have already posted in the thread and with your colleagues. @Charles - Agreed! BTW - We'll soon be adding it to the comment system of the blogs and the rest of the site.
Joshua Dorkin, about 13 years ago
Great way to start the new year.
Account Closed, about 13 years ago
Thanks Josh. I like it. A chance to give credit where credit is due. Will definitely use it.
David Wedemire, about 13 years ago
Thanks Nick! Hop on, start using it and feel free to tweet this post ;)
Joshua Dorkin, about 13 years ago
whoa!!! That's pretty cool!
Nick J., about 13 years ago