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No matter what it is your are looking to do with real estate, you can find it at BiggerPockets. With 3,141,275 members, BiggerPockets is a movement within the real estate investing community centered around grassroots, democratized education. On BiggerPockets, you can:
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Our mission is to help you reach your goals through community interaction, and we are 100% dedicated to that end. BiggerPockets is the world's #1 destination for those looking to use real estate to better their financial future and we hope you'll join us today in making your dreams a reality. Check out the information below for more tips on using, and growing with,
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Explore real estate companiesDeal Analysis Forum
Considering pulling the trigger on an investment but need a little guidance? The Deal Analysis Forum is where real estate investors, both new and experienced, get together to analyze and discuss the deals presented by members of the community. Get input from real life investors as to the pros and cons of your next deal - and make the best decision possible for you and your business.
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As a social network, BiggerPockets users engage and build relationships with each other every single day. One of the best ways to do this is by sending and receiving colleague requests. A colleague request simply says “Hey, I want to connect here on BiggerPockets” and can be a great way to start a real-life business relationship.
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